Opus Nuclei's Garden

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12 Rules for Life

These passages made me think about the distinction between neglect and incompetence instead of systemic injustice. Also, my responsibility to help others as if to inwardly help myself and externally help shape the world.

12 Rules for Life

Maybe your misery is your attempt to prove the world's injustice, instead of the evidence of your own sin, your own missing of the mark, your conscious refusal to strive and to live. Maybe your willingness to suffer in failure is inexhaustible, given what you use that suffering to prove. Maybe it's your revenge on Being. How exactly should I befriend you when you're in such a place? How exactly could I?

Success: that's the mystery. Virtue: that's what's inexplicable. To fail, you merely have to cultivate a few bad habits. You just have to bide vour time. (PageĀ 93)

The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard (highlights)

A leading social commentator now teaches that despair and rage are an essential element in the struggle for justice.12 He and others who teach this are sowing the wind, and they will reap the whirlwind, the tornado. Indeed, we are reaping it now in a nation increasingly sick with rage and resentment of citizen toward citizen. And often the rage and resentment is upheld as justified in the name of God. (LocationĀ 2888)
