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Retrospective Resolution

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Download the template: click here.

We all know that feeling. Reaching the end of the year, contemplating about resolution, what to expect, to aim, and to do for next year? Setting up the starting line and visualize the end goal. We all know usually that thing lasted for about 2-3 months.

I am experimenting with a concept called Retrospective Resolution to kickstart my 2021. Since 2020 was (and is) full of surprises, why don't we reflect and adjust our life marathon with a little step back?

If 2020 has taught me anything, it would be this: life is a collision of random things, yet we called it tailor-made for us.

I've developed a template that I'm going to use for 2020 retrospective resolution. This retrospective template is a simplified monthly-version of my daily journal. My wish is that you will gain a clearer understanding of your 2020 with this simple template.

Here's how to use it:

Month (obviously needs no further explanation)

Verdict: you fill this after you finished reviewing your month.

Basic options: Green, Yellow, Red.

  1. What did you like/dislike about this month?

Focus on reviewing your character, mood, and happiness around those events you were involved with.

Did that project made me fulfilled or depleted?

Did that day when you skipped weekend with your friends worth it?

Did that meeting with Person X contributed to your growth or hindered it?

  1. What made you happy this month?

Review the context of your happy moments would be helpful.

Specific person or specific group of people

Being in a specific environment: outdoor/indoor?

Specific activities: hiking, running, cafe hopping, family gathering, etc.

You can use that hindsight to propel your 2021: more of what made you happy, and avoid what don't.

  1. What did you learn?

Try to remember what did you learn in this month. It may be helpful to categorize your learning experience:

based on your roles: in family, study/work, personal growth.

or based on the domain: spiritual, mental, and body.


To review a month in a line is a practice to summarize, capture, and condense your experience into a one-line wisdom. From yourself to yourself.

Retrospective Resolution