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Ten signs of hurry sickness.


Look at how you treat those closest to you.


Minor things quickly escalate to major emotional events.


When you actually do try to slow down and rest, you can't relax.


You just don't know when to stop, do you?

Emotional numbness

You don't have the capacity to feel another's pain. Not to say your own pain and emotion.

Out-of-order priorities

Act on the urgent every time, while the important lagged behind.

Lack of care for your body

Destructive and sedentary lifestyle. Cigarette and smoke, they said.

Escapist behaviors

Addiction, distraction, and dopamine shot: binge-watching, browsing social media, porn, drugs.

Slippage of spiritual disciplines

When you get overbusy, the things that are truly life-giving for you are the first to go rather than your first go to—such as prayer, quiet time in the morning, Scripture, Sabbath, worship, etc.


You feel disconnected from God, others, and your own soul.

Referenced in


Yesterday, I posted Ten signs of hurry sickness. to diagnose ourselves, whether we are suffering from hurry sickness or not. Misliving is the future of hurry sickness. The way we mislive is when the distraction swayed our lives into oblivion. We ended up never did anything genuine or meaningful.

**Ten signs** of hurry sickness.